One issue that seems to be coming up more and more frequently is that of people substituting technology for common sense. A cell phone, PLB, SPOT, or sat phone can be hugely valuable for calling for help in a real emergency. However, they can also be a crutch, and lead us to be less prepared and self reliant.

Check out this recent incident:

I think everyone on this forum would agree that we should stay out of trouble to begin with. And certainly no one should have any qualms about calling for help when life or limb is truely at risk. However, we should also give some thought to when it is not appropriate to call for rescue. In my opinion, we should all make every reasonable effort to self rescue. Even if that means spending an uncomfortable night out. A few minimal preparations can make that night less uncomfortable!
"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more."
-Dorothy, in The Wizard of Oz