Survival Forum Rules and Courtesies
The Survival Forum is maintained on Equipped To Survive® to allow those with an interest in the subject of survival equipment and techniques a dedicated area within which they can discuss and debate these matters. Knowledge is one of the keys to survival and we encourage a civil dialog among users of this forum in order to pass along information and so we can all learn and grow. In order to maintain decorum and maximize useful content, there are a few rules, guidelines and courtesies we would very much appreciate that all forum users would observe as you participate in The Survival Forum.
SELECT AND USE OUTDOORS AND SURVIVAL EQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES AND TECHNIQUES AT YOUR OWN RISK. Messages posted on The Survival Forum represent the personal views of the poster and are not endorsed by the Equipped To Survive Foundation, Inc., its directors, publisher, editor or forum adminstrators. Information posted
on The Survival Forum is not reviewed for accuracy and may not be reliable, use at your own risk. Please
review the full WARNING & DISCLAIMER about information on this
- Please identify yourself with your full name if there is room, or first initial and last name if not. We disapprove of the use of handles or anonymous postings because we believe they are an impediment to straightforward, forthright and honest dialog. However, we do not require use of your real name.
- If you provide personal information (e.g., address, phone number) in a posting on the forum, that information is available to any other person having access to the forum and may be used by someone in a manner unintended by you. For that reason, we discourage you from offering any such personal information within a posting to the forum or in your profile.
- Discussions can get heated, especially when people have strong feelings about the topic. This is a "family" forum and flames, name calling, personal attacks and obscene or otherwise undesirable language are inappropriate, no matter how strongly you feel, and messages containing them will be removed and posters banned.
A personal attack is any post that includes a direct or indirect reference to any member or member's company or organization that impugns their honor or reputation without an objective and readily independently confirmable source. An objective review of a product is not a personal attack. A subjective statement about a company's or person's products may be a personal attack, depending on the context. The determination of the forum administrators and moderators in such cases is theirs alone and is final.
If we notice something inappropriate or receive a complaint we will make a decision and take appropriate action. The administrators and moderators do not have time to read every post here, so we depend upon members to police yourself for the most part and to let us know when someone isn't following the rules. We will not get into a position of sitting as judge between members making claims and counterclaims. If you cannot be civil, if you cannot operate without sniping at others, or you don't like the way we run this forum, find yourself another forum.
- The advance of knowledge and debate is encouraged by civil discussion and nothing is gained by letting any discussion digress into personal attacks or vulgar language. If you disagree with someone's post, attack the message on its merits, or lack thereof as the case may be, not the person posting the message. See above point for clarification if you have questions.
- Please do your fellow forum users a favor and use a subject title that accurately reflects the subject of the message. Uninformative or irrelevant, but attention getting, subject titles waste people's valuable time, are rude and are not appropriate.
- If the discussion in a thread veers away from that of the original topic, please start a new thread under an appropriate subject title.
- Please limit your discussions to survival related topics on The Survival Forum section. The "Around The Campfire" section is the place to talk about the great movie you saw last night. Please use email for personal messages.
- Politics, religion and philosophy can be stimulating to discuss and debate, but this is not the place to do it. Discussion of "Climate Change" inevitably descends into ugly divisiveness that is essentially political, so that subject is also not allowed. Please stick to the topics of survival equipment and techniques. This is not a survivalist web site and such discussions are not appropriate. This policy has developed from many years of keeping the peace in cyberspace. It's one reason we remain a family friendly environment and avoid many of the redundant and recurring flame threads found elsewhere There are myriad places online to debate politically and emotionally charged subject matter. ETS is not the place.
FIREARMS DISCUSSION: The use of firearms for survival or preparedness, either for food gathering or self-defense, is a perfectly acceptable topic. You can discuss what, where, when, how and training. Any discussion that moves into the realm of defending or opposing firearms ownership or use in our society is political in nature and has no place here.
From the perspective of ETS, firearms are a valid and acceptable survival and preparedness tool. If you don't believe in this, ignore threads involving firearms. If discussion of firearms use bothers you too much, you are welcome to leave. If you oppose the concept of firearms ownership or use, regardless of your reasons, take your debate about the subject elsewhere. If you support firearms ownership and use, that's fine, BUT this is not the place to try to convert those who do not.
- Please do not plagiarize. If you want to include information you find on another site or forum, just post a link and a brief comment of its usefulness or relevance. We recommend that you email the source and make them aware of your link. If you believe material on ETS Survival Forum may have been plagiarized at any source point, email an administrator or moderator. ETS strives to respect the intellectual property of others.
- We may archive informative discussions. Such archives will be very tedious reading if each message repeats all of the preceding message. Please write clearly in your own words, paraphrasing briefly to establish context; if you feel you must use quotebacks, limit them to a few words, or a line or two per message.
- Commercial advertisements and messages are prohibited except in Marketplace. The rules for posting in Marketplace are included in the top post of that section.
- A company representative, participating on the forum, may feel free to answer questions about any product that is brought up during a discussion, including pricing and where to purchase, but no blatant advertisements or promotion will be allowed. We do allow brief and informative only messages announcing the availability of a new product or service, but once only.
- If you are affiliated with a commercial organization involved in manufacturing or selling survival equipment, supplies or publications or if you are affiliated with a company or organization that provides survival or survival related training, please identify your affiliation in each message.
- Members may offer items of their own survival gear that is surplus to their needs for sale on a non-commercial basis, but members should be advised that they purchase such items at their own risk and to be sure to take whatever precautions they feel may be appropriate as we cannot and will not get involved in the transaction other than to provide a means of communication. Purchase at your own risk.
- Equipped To Survive® does not warranty or guarantee the security or retention of any digital file attachments, avatars and similar digital files you may upload to the ETS server for use on The Survival Forum. Always maintain your own personal back-up of any of these files.
That's it! Very simple, easy to understand and designed to keep this forum an enjoyable and informative meeting place. We appreciate your cooperation in abiding by these rules.
Survival Forum Adminstrator and Sysop: Chris Kavanaugh
Email to:
Publisher and Editor: Doug Ritter
Email: Doug Ritter
First Published: February 9, 2001
Revision: 08 December 10, 2007