1. Harsh winter weather, which can include blizzards and ice storms, all of which can and do cause extended power outages. Not so much a problem at home because we have a fireplace and about three weeks' supply of wood, plenty of food and stored water, warm clothing, blankets, battery-powerd lights and radios, etc. Also very good neighbors. More of a problem on the road because if I get stranded in the Forester it means the emergency crews aren't getting around either, so the winter car kit definitely includes blankets, food, water battery powered lights and radio, FAK and extra winter clothing and boots.

2. Non-weather related power outages like the big one we had here in the northeast/midwest a few years ago. Usually a warm-weather event, but ditto the supplies above.

3. Pandemic flu - definitely a bug-in event, but possibly protracted (21 days or more). Working on solutions for extended winter heating, otherwise same as above.

4. Nuclear fallout - there is a nuclear plant 30 miles away, but its upwind, so there may be a need to BO on short notice. The BO Bag has everything in it I can think of to allow the family to survive on the road for 5-plus-days.

All we can do is all we can do.