I'd have to give the edge to Ray Mears. He'd be waiting and relaxing in a little shelter and drinking a proper English tea at the extraction point when the helicopter showed up.

An often overlooked skill for survival is conservation of energy, Ray makes that an art. Someone once told me that Ray is sometimes affectionately called "Fatty Mears" because you could drop him in a desert and a week later he'd walk out a couple pounds heavier.

I like Les because he sometimes seems to be learning whether something will work or not at the same time as the viewer. Who else would waste a couple of hours trying to make a sling shot from the elastic waistband of his underwear?

And what can you say about Bear? Someday Darwin will catch up to him. The helicopter he rides out in just might be the medivac.

Not sure where Doug comes in. Kind of an unknown darkhorse. He might just slip past Ray while Ray is engaging the pilot in some polite conversation and offering a spot of earl grey.