The problem with this TV show is that it is being aired to those folks who don't know any better. If the show Man v Wild is regarded as a source of good survival technique then it fails on some very important fundamental points. Those that don't know any better may follow this guys survival technique philosophy, which is mostly being of quick but highly dangerous methods of self extraction from a life threatening event, to the point where these methods are even more dangerous than the initial survival event itself. There are so many examples of this type of dangerous nonsense in this TV program. This is Hollywood fantasy survival caricature for those folks who have never been outside suburban living. It is popular simply because it excites these folks deeply held fears and fantasies of finding themselves stranded in the wilderness desperate to get back to suburbia to exclaim that they too can survive where others would have failed. Bear takes them along on this vicarious journey of survival thrills (hence the eating of raw zebra etc). For these folks to do the same in reality and follow Bears methods would be fatal. Survival is mostly about making good well thought out common sense decisions . As most suburban folks can't navigate to save themselves they are better staying put, hopefully to be found by SAR. If Bear showed the audience a map and compass and explained how these survival items worked to enable a much safer self extraction the show would suddenly become a mundane outdoor trekking show. Here lies the problem. Good survival instruction versus vicarious thrills. Vicarious thrills seem to always win out. We know the difference, others do not and their lives may well depend on knowing that difference if they ever left the city.