Originally Posted By: martinfocazio

9. Throw Your Head Back to Stop a Nosebleed

“Don’t put your head between your knees or tip your head back,” Richard O’Brien, MD, says. The latter is especially bad because you can breathe the blood into your lungs or get it in your stomach and vomit.

“Press the fleshy part of your nose,” O’Brien says, “and not the part where your glasses sit - lower than that - as if you are trying to stop a bad smell.” Now - and this is the important part - press firmly for a complete 10 minutes by the clock. “People don’t do that, they let up every three seconds to see if it stopped,” he says. Ten minutes! O’Brien says there are also medications and little nostril plugs for people who get frequent nosebleeds.

If a nosebleed lasts for more than 15 minutes, occurs following a serious injury, or is accompanied by severe blood loss, you should call your doctor or go to the emergency room.

This one is true and I experienced it when I was a kid. I swallowed blood from nosebleeds so often, it's disgusting and you almost feel like you have a sorethroat. I used to have nosebleeds so frequently that a doctor finally burned the problematic vein. It fixed the problem.