Well sale seasons correspond to big holidays such as Labor day, Memorial Day, 4th July, Thanksgiving, Xmas and few others I cant remember. Thanksgiving happens on fourth thursday of november. Friday after thanksgiving is called "black friday" and officially kicks off xmas shopping season. Stores open at 6 am and you can get really good deals on stuff. The sales will last on and off until xmas. After new years you will also see reduction in prices since everyone slows down in their shopping sprees... Next time you will see sales is around tax day which is April 21. For sure victoria secret will have a sale on feb 14 smile.

Now one word of advice. My parents are from Poland and I get a lot their friends trying to buy things (mostly electronics) when they visit. You can get good deals in NYC but remember you always pay tax which is $8.75 on every $100 you spend. Little much regardless how low the dollar is on the market now. A lot of times I tell them to do their homework and find the cheapest deal on the item on the web and then run it thru me. I order a lot of stuff from amazon becasue of their free shipping and get items delivered to my house tax free. So if you bought a $500 camera it is an extra $40 saving in tax that you can spend on better fleece or jacket. And don't believe what other salesmen tell you that you can get your tax back at the airport. It is not true. When I worked retail in my young age we always told tourist that they can get their tax back at the airport so they wouldn't go other places or get their items shipped from mail order. I know that 8% is not as bad as VAT but every dollar counts.
