
When people hear "Wawa" for the first time, many don't know what to think. They are not really sure if it's a play on words or an improper pronunciation of a thirst quencher, but there's no doubt that many find it funny. However, don't let our name fool you: we take what we do very seriously.

Over 100 years ago, our original dairy farm was built on land located in a rural section of Pennsylvania called Wawa, which was named from a local Native American tribe in honor of their favored game - the Canada Goose. Today, the name Wawa has come to symbolize the very best attributes of our company.

Just like a majestic flock of Canada Geese flying synchronously in "V" formation, we employ the principles of teamwork, group consensus and encouragement in our company. We think it's the only way to fly. And because of this philosophy, we've been able to accomplish feats that others would consider impossible. That's why, in our market area, our customers tell us that we define what a convenience store should be.