Some good info here. I have a Honda EU series 2000 Watt that I use on the RV. It runs everything except the AC. One neat thing about the Honda EU series is that you can hook 2 of them up in parallel for double the watts, so if I need AC on a trip I simply borrow my sister's. It only weighs about 50 lbs so it's easy on the back. The best thing about it is that it is quiet. By that I mean that you can stand next to it while it is running at full throttle and carry on a normal conversation. Try that with a Generac!

I found this quote interesting:

You should really consider that if someone really wants your generator, you shouldn’t risk your life over it. If your starting it, or refueling it and someone comes up to you with a gun saying “give me the generator” go ahead and give it to them. Your life isn’t worth it.

I guess one could say the same thing about food, medicine, clothing, or shelter. My position is that I am going to be ready, willing, and hopefully able to defend my survival supplies and gear, and that includes my generator. It will be the thug who will have to decide whether my generator is worth his life. I would hope he would decide it isn't and move on, but if he doesn't I guarantee I'm not going to just give it to him.