2 really big surprises yesterday.

a) A deer waded into our pond (our pond is about 220' long bu 90' wide and gets to about 4' deep at most) and started eating my wife's lilies - which annoyed her to no end, but it was interesting to watch. We've never seen that before. but then...

b) The deer suddenly stuck it's head into the water and came up with A FISH which it ATE!!!!

Now this was a double-super amazing thing to me, because I thought there were no fish at all in the pond and, well, a mean it was a DEER EATING A FISH. As it turns out, there's been reports of this happening before. We would have gotten video if my camera batteries hadn't run out the MOMENT we hit "record" - but I'm want to set up a motion-detecting webcam thing out there and maybe we'll see it again. Anyone have a "CS" mount security camera lens that they want to donate to the Dreaded Carnivorous Deer Cam project? Contact me off-list if you do!