Originally Posted By: jmarkantes
Originally Posted By: ironraven
The only use I have for gatoraid anymore is for "wake-wake juice"- pout a packet of Emer'gen'c into a nalgene bottle, then a 12oz can of Mt Dew, and a 20oz bottle of organe gatorade. You are painfully awake in about 20 minutes, but if you use it to wash down a couple asprin, the hangover starts to go away.

That sounds AWESOME. I'll have to remember that. As for just the Emer'gen'C, I usually carry a packet or two in my Bar Survival Kit when I know I'm going out for a night on the town. It was extremely handy to avoid the 2pm hangover on St Patty's day (it's a long day in these parts).


Ironraven, I thank you, my boss thanks you, and my clients thank you.

I had the opportunity to give "wake-wake juice" a test run this morning. I pounded the nalgene. I know this isn’t exactly conducive to optimal hydration but I didn’t have time to fool around. The zookeepers were getting restless. The first 15 minutes is all waiting, then about halfway through the second 15 you start wondering if you’ve been fooled, because nothing is happening. And then… ZANG! Fiendish intensity, strange glow and vibrations...a very heavy gig dodging traffic on a fixed gear bike.

I’ll perform another test in a… less controlled environment as soon as possible. Sorry for the editorial liberties mr.duke.

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