Here's the way I see it. This guy is intelligent enough to know that any TB is contagious, even if he is in the early stages. Prior to finding out it was the worst form of TB, he had already decided deliberately to expose other passengers to the disease, however slight, on his trip to Europe and abroad, without letting any of them know. That, in Tort law, is negligence. When he found out he had the resistant strain, he deliberately concealed that knowledge and successfully attempted to fraud our domestic security, along with again exposing additional passengers to his infection; more negligence. That he is a personal injury claims attorney who knowingly jeopardized the public in general and all those passengers in particular and attempted to conceal the fact makes him extremely culpable.

In addition to paying all costs associated with the investigation, testing, any subsequent treatment of those exposed, sanitization of all facilities he encountered, transportation to Denver, and associated court costs, he should also be permanently disbarred, and tried for criminal negligence, since there is no known cure for his disease (treat it like an HIV positive person exposing others through intimate contact). He should remain in complete isolation, save for properly attired medical staff, which would preclude any further contact with his new wife or family, until he is free of the disease, while continuing to incur liability for treatment costs.

I love how his family portrays him as this really nice, magnanimous person. He is a monster that is so self centered and callous to the needs of others, I would almost characterize his actions as psychopathic.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)