I usually use a very light bleach solution when a knife gets to cut the lively stuff like fish and game.

The worst thing ever was when a buddy used my knife at a BBQ in the local park. He managed to get some kind of soft cheese inbedded in every available crevice including the Axis lock and the screw heads. shocked
I hate lending my knife out to almost anyone but folks get wierd when you refuse. Maybe I need to hang with some PHRASECENSOREDPOSTERSHOULDKNOWBETTER. who want nothing to do with my blades.
In fact one of my bosses always make jokes about me and my EDC but then at every tradeshow all I hear is "Bill, got your knife?" He always dulls the crap out of them so last time and hence forth I bring a KA BAR Dozier along for him to trash. Funny thing is the AUS -8 blade takes a lickin' and then sharpens up real fast with the Sharpmaker.

Edited by billym (06/01/07 01:25 AM)