You got a nice kit there, I'm going to borrow some of your ideas. Some suggestions from my kit.<br><br>1. I keep my kit in a small backpack. You may have to abandon your car, and a backpack is easier to carry than an attache. Also frees your hands for emergency work or carriage of other items.<br>2. Signal mirror. I added a small plactic signal mirror after reading of several incidents, where a driver was trapped inside a vehicle for days, with helicopters and other cars in sight. <br>3. Knife and sharpener. I carry a Leatherman Micra on my key chain and a Wave in my backpack.<br>4. I always keep a Lightwave 2000 LED light in my kit: it will burn for about 100 hours on a single set of batteries. Use lithium for their 10 year shelf life. I always keep a backup light in the bag, usually a small 2X AAA light. An ARC LS, LED light usually sits in my pocket, and my Photon II is always on my key chain. I am considering a Petzl headlight since it frees up your hands for fixing your car, or walking.<br>5. I bought a tiny Sangean AM/FM radio that runs on a single AAA cell for news if my car radio craps out or is unavailable.