Originally Posted By: Sinjz
Water doesn't spoil. smile

The expiration dates on bottled water is artifical. It's not based on anything other than to get people to buy more water.

If you killed the bacteria and store the treated water properly, then it should be fine to drink YEARS after you stored it. No bacteria means there is nothing to multiply itself in the water, during storage. Proper storage containers will not leach anything harmful into the water. As pointed out above you may get a plastic flat taste if stored for a long time, but you can always pour the water back and forth between CLEAN containers to reoxyginate it.

That being said, I try to rotate my small supply every year. smile By rotate, I mean USE the water, not just dump it. Water may seem to be unlimted, but in many places FRESH water isn't.

Your comments about bottled water may well be correct, but the OP was asking about water stored in larger containers and treated with bleach. Self-stored water will be, for the most part, far more likely to become contaminated over time than commercially bottled water stored under the same conditions. For that reason I won't drink it unless I have to. The plants in my yard don't seem to mind it though. smile