I would like an ETS bandanna. That would be a normal bandanna of suitable size and material, printed with some information that would be useful in a survival situation. Hopefully without looking too nerdish or macho.

I appreciate it would be hard to do economically because people wouldn't want to pay a lot for it. Possibly they'd need to be sold in packs of 3 or 5 to get the price up. I should think the design and implementation would be relatively simple compared to knives etc. Currently I think the ideal size and material would be about 32" silk.

The main design issue is deciding what information to put on it. Possibilities include diagrams showing how to use the bandanna as a bandage (eg how to tie around a foot) or sling, how to use it as cordage, how to tie into a bag or sack. General survival info about fires and shelters etc. Personally I'd be tempted to include layouts for a board game such as backgammon (I think backgammon is a better game than chess and its easier to improvise the pieces).

I'd live it to include good maps, but how you would pick the area and scale?
Quality is addictive.