I was thinking of how to reply to this for a day, and to look to see if Wildman did.

It seems you are operating on the assumption that when he's on the boat, he's got this thing we call "storage space". Every working boat I've ever seen was mighty short on that- could be worse, could be hotbunking but that probably wouldn't fly on civilian vessel. Odds are, what he's taking is his every day gear.

You might also want to reread his post where said he was not leaving his tools behind. A long range bug out is not like hiking the AT or PT. I wouldn't think of bugging out 50 miles without carrying a decent bit driver, real wire cutters, and maybe a pair of small channel locks along with my Leatherman, pocket bar and pocket knife, if for nothing other than scrounging. It isn't stealing if it's abandoned.

You are thinking about a hiking trip, that is planned and if the variables change, you have a way out. He's thinking of something where there is no way out but with what he has on him. I'd hate to see what you think of my gear.

When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.