No, those are on a separate shoulder sling. I'll have to put this together and go for a dayhike to see how it will all ride on my body. In fact,an overnighter would be better.

Some of these may ride better being higher with another being lower (if on the same sides).

The food tube would definitely be slung like a rifle, while I "think" the messenger bag would ride at hip level on one side.

The 3 other bags (on one sling) would ride on the other side. I "think" these bags would ride best if they would stay in a position running from the side and then to the rear, under the small rucksack.

The rucksack is a VERY small pack and will ride high. I will probably try putting the pack on first, followed by the messenger bag (crossways),and then the 3 bag sling (crossways), followed by the food tube (vertically). Weight of the crossover bags will be critical irt to chaffing (especially concerning the collar bones).

The final solution will be a result of trial and error, and I will probably have to drop some more items (weight) during the process.

Thanks for the food for thought. I will try it out and post my thoughts for all to review.
The best luck is what you make yourself!