But we've Got, and Always had, -many Fail Safe Safeguards, -where it would certainly take more than one Person's finger on the Nuclear Button. (Unless you're talking about a Presidential Order or Directive here).

Also, -I don't know where you get the Idea that others besides just us have been to the Moon, -but we're the Only ones who yet have! And Thank God and our Sticktuitiveness, -that the Flag of Freedom was the First and Only one!, -to yet Fly there! I wouldn't mind a Union Jack, Tricolor, (Present Day) Rising Sun, or Maple Leaf, -also Flying there someday. But Never any ones of Tyranny or other all round Oppression! I recently heard something on Art Bell's and George Norrie's Coast to Coast, -about how we suppossedly first went in 1962, and are Mining there now!!! But *I Don't Beleive it!* I just Don't Beleive it! And Thats That!
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.