Well both the Presidential Directive, (that you provide a Link to), and any modern day Rebels wishing to Preserve our Free, Constitutional Govt, -are Both trying to Preserve that Freedom and Constitution. I as such have no problem with either. My only Qualm or Problem occurs, when either or both are acting Contrary to these. Of course even there, the Directive can be Cited and Implemented, -in the Constitution's own Co-Opted Name. Or what could perhaps be called a "Backwards sort of Advocacy".

There is certainly No Need yet for Constitutional Rebels to overthrow and Retake our Govt, be that Govt Constitutional or otherwise. There may Never come such a True Need to ever do so. Certainly lets Hope that No such
Need or Day ever arises. But our Freedom and Constitution however its done, -be that either a Maintenence of, -or a Replay of, -our Spirit of 76!

(I Better start Avoiding the Political!).

Edited by ScottRezaLogan (05/23/07 09:31 PM)
Edit Reason: Clarification/Minor Corrections.
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.