The "survival straw" is said to provide an effective method for extracting drinking water from ponds and rivers, thanks to the presence of an internal element that supposedly purifies the water before it enters the mouth.

I have at least two (2) survival straws tucked away in my backpack, and they've been sitting there, unused, for approximately seven or eight years or so. I know of at least one survival author who recommends survival straws (I believe that it was Mr. Keller in "Keller's Outdoor Survival Guide"). I am somewhat apprehensive about using them, however, because if they don't work, then it could mean that my family and friends will end up with a severe case or "giadiosis" or worse.

Do you think that it's good idea to carry a survival straw with you when camping or traveling around in wilderness areas, or do you think that it would be a better idea to chuck them into the trash ? LW.