I think that the days are past whereby an overthrow of our government by its citizens is possible. It seems the only plausible way to effect change in our government these days is to elect politicians, and not enough people are willing to vote for enough radicals because, in the end, you just can't trust anyone anymore, and it is a safer thing to perpetuate the party line than to risk putting someone like Ross Perot into the big chair.

We have lost our way, and I don't see any way we can get it back. As a society, if not a civilization, we sold out a long time ago. Ben Franklin's prediction has become a reality. This is still a great nation, but we are on the downslope side of the curve.

I have no hope for us, only to make the best of what is left, until it too is gone. My one desire is that the remnant will last longer than I do. I fear for my children.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)