You got some good points, but around here when a hurricane is coming (it's the big threat around here) we usually have plenty of time to prepare, at least 72 hours before. As for storing water, tap water doesn't keep too well long term unless you treat it, and I'm not too keen on taking up the space that 45 gallons of water would use.
At 45 gallons, this could give a family of four, more than 10 days of drinking water at a gallon of water per person per day. The longest I've ever spent without safe water at my house was 5 days after Hurricane Hugo. We lost electricty, so we lost our well water until l I could rig a generator. Even after that, we had to boil & bleach our water to be safe, or use storebought. Without electricity, we used a Coleman stove and prayed we didn't run out of fuel.

I like the idea of not having to buy bottled water, 45 gallons of storebought drinking water costs big$$! And can you imagine trying to carry out over 300 pounds of water out of Wal-Mart during the build-up to a storm?

"When it comes to information...I'm full of it!"