I just skimmed their website. It doesn't say whether their curriculum is based on any particular set of standards, like the Red Cross curriculum. However, if you go to their accreditation webpage, you'll see a list of organizations that have accredited their program or who accept their courses for certification, including satisfying Federal OSHA regulations, so their curriculum seems sound and you'll have a legitimate certification, but not a Red Cross one.

However, there can be variations in certain things between Red Cross and other systems. Not necessarily in content, but even just the terminology may differ from all the refresher Red Cross classes you've taken in the past, which may or may not turn out to be confusing for you under pressure. Well, that's totally a personal thing that only you can evaluate. On the other hand, often, learning about something familiar, but from a different angle, will actually help reinforce and remember what you've already remembered, so it goes both ways.

Anyway, hope that helps.