Geezez, I just don't get it. The world is so quick to criticize our lax attitude toward gun control, and yet articles like this get published. I thought France had a very stringent gun control program, and yet it seems people there are as well armed as some of the neighborhoods in Baghdad were, or south central LA!!!

Look this cuts both ways. Going to another city in another country anywhere in the world isn't gonna be that much different from some of the places right here in our own country. If anyone thinks Paris has somehow cornered the market on violent crime, then come visit me here in NYC sometime and I will have the cabbie take you places that will turn you white and straighten your short and curlys right out.

So I will repeat it one more time, whenever you are going somewhere new in the world, have the right mindset, do a little advance planning, make some good contacts, and don't be stupid, foolish or insulting.

I don't wanna hear about how belligerent a country we are anymore for a while. London, Glasgow, and Belfast certainly aren't paragons of virtue and brotherly love these days anymore than Detroit, Chicago and Houston are. The whole world is a bloody violent place to be in. Like Rocky says, this world will beat you to your knees and keep you there if you let it. You can't step in the ring and expect to not get hit. That's just the way it goes. You gotta be willing to get in there, take what's coming, put up your best defense, and get your licks in when the opportunity comes.

There is no tapping out on the street. That, my friends, is life.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)