I wasn't familiar with ASBO, so I googled it and came up with the Wikipedia explanation. Kind of strange. "The type of evidence required to obtain is much wider than for criminal cases. Both hearsay evidence and anonymous testimony are admissible as evidence." Some of the 'dangers' they use ASBOs for in Britain:
* Posting illegal flyers ('Please help Fluffy get home!')
* Begging (our beggars hold up cardboard signs, what on earth are they doing in England???)
* Trying to commit suicide. Regarding this last, if they catch you trying to kill yourself several times, they can send you to prison, where you can ask one of the other inmates to throttle you and they would probably be happy to help. Are mental hospitals as passe in Britain as they are here?
* They want to include 'fare dodging', but that hasn't been updated.

Some of the "less common ASBOs":
* Two teenage boys were forbidden to wear one golf glove (I guess they split the pair).
* One teenager was forbidden to use the word 'grass'. ("I'm going out to mow the schneckledorf, Mother!"
* One teenager was forbidden to use his front door. (Servants' entry only?)
* An old man was ordered not to yell, swear or make sarcastic remarks to his neighbors. (Does this apply to Parliment?)
* Children playing games could qualify for ASBOs. (Now that must be a scary bunch of kids!)

Wikipedia also has similar information here:
