Okay, here it is. You're sitting at home on Saturday afternoon reading the ETS forum enjoying your beverage of choice. You feel pretty good because you finally finished packing that "almost perfect" BOB, restocked all your food and water supplies, and finished stocking and prepping all other necessary provisions. The cars/trucks are all gassed up and ready to go. As you're preparing to respond to a long term preparedness thread about food supplies you hear, POP, POP, POP! followed by a few loud screams. What the hell!? You carefully peek out the window and see some guy with a handgun putting round after round into a slowly moving group of about 10 people shuffling down the street moaning. You think, "thats funny, those people look mighty dirty and ragged and all they do when they get hit is recoil slightly and keep on shuffling forward." Then you see the guy doing the shooting run out of ammo, turn around and start to run in the opposite direction while yelling, ZOMBIES!! THE DEAD HAVE COME BACK TO LIFE!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!! (Think "Dawn Of The Dead")

Okay, go.