Most nose bleeds occur from the capillaries underneath the nasal mucosa on either side little's area (on the cartilaginous extension of the nasal septum). Therefore because it is capillary bleeding, it is (1) highly unlikely to be fatal (2) will generally stop on its own ( of course in the meanwhile the parents will be freaking out)<br><br>Treatment consists of direct pressure on the capillaries that are bleeing in the area - <br>(1)squeeze both nostrils tight against the cartilaginous area of nose in the midline.<br>(2)Lean head forward. <br>(3)Breath through the mouth.<br>(4)Hold it there for 10 minutes. <br>That should stop all the bleeding.<br><br>Wet rags are mildly comforting to the patient but have no real effect on stemming the bleeding. <br>Don't put anything in the nose either.<br>And for goodness sake don't dig the scab when the blood has clotted !<br><br>For frequent bleeders, they might benefit from chemical cautery of the offending blood vessels in the nose.<br>Other medications which can be helpful are oxymetazoline nasal spray - this shrinks down the diameter of blood vessels and reduces the incidence of bleeding.<br><br>This is general medical advice and is not intended for any particular person or individual. Please consult your own physician before using any of the medications suggested.<br><br>