My 9 1/2 year old son has a history of frequent nose bleeds. His physicians have advised us that the nose bleeds are caused by a blood vessel near the surface in his nasal passage which bleeds when irritated or otherwise insulted sufficiently. He uses pressure on the nasal passage, although the acual blood vessel has been difficult to reach for compression. It has been helpful to provide reassurance and calmness (sometimes more for bystanders than him if privacy is impossible), to keep his head elevated, to provide a comfortable environment (e.g., some private place such as a bathroom sink or bathtub where his bleeding is not a problem). A few minutes of inactivity seems to provide more opportunity for the clotting to secure the cessation of bleeding. Antihistamines may have also helped to relieve allergic irritation in the nose (all but one of our family have significant allergies) and thereby inhibit recurrence of the bleeding. Having a calm & helpful support person, preferably his parent, present has also been useful. It is unclear if it has helped to tilt the head back. <br><br>In my son's case, it has generally been helpful to keep antihistamines & either paper towels or a red bandana handy.<br><br>He has never required a physician's treatment to control an individual nose bleed.<br><br>That is the approach we have successfully used in our individual situation. It should not be considered as medical advise for others. You may want to consult your child's pediatrician in advance of any future recurrences, especially if there is a chronic problem.<br><br>We are fortunate in having at least 2 skilled physicians among the participants in this forum. I'd love to hear what they have to say on the matter of nose bleeds.<br><br>John