Hello everyone,<br>I just found out I am terribly unprepaired. My three year old daughter just had a nose bleed and I had no idea what to do. I know, not life threatening but gave me a kick in the butt. I got her into the bathroom and a couple of cool washrags seemed to slow it down. Then MOM came home and saved the day, she knew what to do because she had a nose bleed last week too. She also knew that reading a story would help:)<br><br>I thought I knew what to do but I was not for sure. Ran around looking for a first aid book or something to tell me I was doing what needed to be done. The only thing I could find was a Boyscout handbook. <br><br>Guess it is time to take that Red Cross class I've been putting off. I also want to get a good firstaid reference book, any suggestions? Does a book come with the class?<br><br>Unprepared but surviving.<br>Glen<br><br>