With certain MSR models you can use fuels other than white gas (aka. coleman camp fuel) but they don't burn as clean or as hot and can gunk up your stove. Do not mix fuels. If you're camping in the US white gas should be widely available so there's really no need to use secondary fuels such as kerosene, etc. Stoves like the MSR you used put out a lot of heat and are very efficient. On the downside, they require a bit of care and maintenance, (the pump assembly alone has quite a few components), and the fuel is extremely volatile. To most this doesn't matter, but I prefer simplicity, bulletproof design, and a non-explosive fuel so I switched to alcohol stoves. The tradeoff is less heat and longer boil times. If you decide to go with an MSR white gas stove I'd get a standard repair kit
(o-rings, etc.) if it doesn't already come with one. And of course a fuel bottle.