I totally agree that the vast majority of professors & students are unwilling & uncapable to carry a gun. Also realize that the majority rules & Concealed carry will never happen on these "liberal" institutions.

However, if even 1% of sane & capable students & professors would start training & carrying it could absolutely make a difference. How many people were on that 2nd floor? Had to be at least 100 people & one person who could have returned fire could have made a difference. However, afterwards that student would be kicked out of school & probably sued by some of the other students for "endangering" their lives. Out society has become so removed from reality that a majority don't realize that guns are a tool that can be used for both evil & good. It is the first survival tool for those who are in touch with reality.

Look at the airline industry - not every pilot carries a weapon, but the percentage (I have no idea what that is) that do are enough to make the terriorist look for another strategy. Or at least it will give them a chance if they strike again. For me it boils down to at least wanting to have a chance to survive.