Based on the number of situations I've been in where I've actually needed this kind of stuff, here's what I've found to be most useful:

Each is actually "Number One" depending on the situation

1. Leatherman "Wave" Tool (Not a DAY goes by that I dont' use this tool at least once!)

2. Bic Lighter

3. Priceton Tec Attitude LED Flashlight
4. Blanket - ideally, space all weather, any will do.
5. First Aid Kit
6. Zip-Loc Bags - quart and bigger
7.Folding Saw (Don't recall what brand, it's nice - poss Stihl?)
8. Rope - any kind, any size, moe the better
9. Water Container - anything from a 2 liter soda bottle to Platypus packs
10. Money - as in cash.

of course, I'd rather have a top 150 items, to match what's in my pack in the Jeep!