In a way, I agree with LED. I used to have a station wagon and it was fun for camping and going places. I spent many nights sleeping/camping in it. I still think a good station wagon is an asset for survival. Gas mileage, particularly, will be a plus.

You can add a luggage rack on the roof for bugging out and remove it if you wish when you arrive at your destination. A luggage rack on a station wagon can help you bug out without a trailer, which means FASTER bug-out.

And a station wagon is not a SUV or truck. No one will even guess you are a survivalist.

Obstacles ? Well there are obstacles to stop even the meanest of 4x4s. So a SUV isnt a guarantee that you wont get stuck or rolled over something when you are bugging out in a panick.

Plan ahead. And if you bug out early enough, chances are that 2wd station wagon will get you anywhere without a problem.