The BRKT mini-Canadian I ordered for my daughter came in. What a beauty! She'll get it this Sunday.

While she's been taught what I hope are all the right things about handling knives, I don;t think I'll allow her to carry this knife for awhile unless I'm with her. It's just too scary sharp and I want to be there to observe and witness how she handles this fixed blade.

I didn;t show her much about whittling before now. After reading these posts, it occurs to me that will be an excellent way to show her how to use two-handed pressure and resistance pressure when cutting things. So...I supervised a little whittling session last night on a freshly cut ash branch using one of my medium fixed blades. She's gonna be ok.

Like I told her momma to ease her concerns.... "If we've done all the right things, she'll likely only cut herself once" laugh