I do carry firemaking, water purification, and shelter making tools with me every day.<br><br>Here is an urban scenario.<br><br>Leave work to go to lunch across street, March in Seattle, light misting rain....just across street really do not need coat.<br><br>Massive earthquake hits, worksite tumbles to the ground.<br>(maybe you did not go to lunch but got out of this building with only the clothes on your back, maybe injured)<br><br>You are now outside, in the middle of a disaster, coworkers buried, communications non-existant...hum light rain seems to be soaking in...<br><br>You can fill in the rest based on your possible actions.<br><br>March 7, 2001 we had a 6.8 magnitude earthquake in Western Washington. Many of the buildings near my worksite caved in or crumbled. My building stood standing but we just today are "celebrating" the reconstruction.<br><br>I carry a plastic tube tent, firemaking tools, cord, PotableAqua, bag, and a fairly large pile of other stuff everyday, everywhere on my body. (See urban PSK and Vest threads). It is not that much of a burden, it is a piece of mind, sure I have never needed to build a fire in the parking lot out front but....Seattle is due for a large quake.....what will happen then?<br><br>Evaluate the likely threats to you in your daily life, natural disasters (earthquake, storms, volcanic); manmade disasters (Hazardous materials, dam burst); terrorism....and develop both Wilderness PSK and plans and different Urban PSK and plans. In my view the planning is the most important....the tools are easy (and fun) once you evaluate the risks.