Originally Posted By: jamesraykenney

Yes, it makes me think, that if it was as easy to catch these things as some people think, that ALL those people would be sick...
Do not get me wrong, I am a belt AND suspenders sort of guy, and I do not believe in taking chances that you do not have to. But in a short term survival situation, where you are sure of being back in civilization within a couple of days, If I could not purify the water, I think the prudent thing would be to go ahead and drink, and see a doctor when you get back...
Does anyone have any experience with field expedient filters made from natural or readily available materials???

Well, hmmm, "field expedient"... you may laugh, but, as a young and stupid youth, my buddies and I once filtered water from the Penobscott river with clean socks from my rucksack, and then boiled it. The socks just got all the big chunks out! We would dip the socks in the river to fill them up (they were pretty stretched out so they probably held about a quart each), and then we'd hold them over the pot, and let them drip into it. It was already on the fire, which was good, because it warmed our hands while we held the dripping socks! (The water in the Penobscott in the spring is basically just recently melted snow and ice, so it's a little chilly.)

(Hey, at least I used my clean socks!)

- Ron