Re Norad 45

I have personally have never seen Nessie. Many Scientists have tried to debunk the idea of a mythical creature in Loch Ness. One group decided to perform a complete sonar scan of the whole length of the Loch to completely disprove the existence of Nessie. Apparently they failed as many anomalies from the sonar scan began to appear. Of course the sonar anomalies did not prove the existence of Nessie but the whole principle of the performing the sonar scan to disprove the existence of Nessie could not be validated either. Case closed, I'm afraid not.

As for mythical creatures the

Sasquatch is real enough. Some may say it is simply a man in an ape suit but after looking at the video many many times all I can conclude is that the fakery is many many times more sophisticated than even the moon landing video clips and photographs.

We must also remember that although the world is in reality an urban environment for mankind there are still great tracts of land on the planet which are classified as wilderness. New species of animals are constantly being discovered and recorded.
An example a prehistoric fish called the Coelacanth. This goes to show that animals which appear in the fossil record are still around today. Yet when observations of "mythical animals" are made by even well known highly experienced climbers and scientists they are quickly dismissed as suffering from hallucinations. Please research Prof John Norman Collie background, this is not a man whose word is taken likely.
Also if the experience I have described were hallucinations then the hallucinations are all remarkably similar to other climbers and walkers documented experiences in the area of Cairngorms and surrounding mountain areas. Prior to the experience described I personally had not heard of the 'Grey man of Ben Macdui' until I saw a television documentary a few years later. The other disturbing thing about the encounter was that it was not the footsteps circling my position which woke me up, it was the sound of distant musical 'Chimes' or 'Bells'.

The View from Broad Cairn to Cairn Bannoch. I was down in the gully below the Cairn Bannoch in the Centre Right of the Picture. The Cairngorms including Ben Macdui 17 miles away can be seen in the background

Also prior to nightfall I did observe someone on the peak of Cairn Bannoch (this would be about 3/4 of mile away) for about 45 minutes before sunset. What I found strange about this individual was that the individual was not moving around the peak but was motionless and just standing. I got the feeling that this individual was observing myself. I dismissed this individual as another climber. I'm not so sure now it was a another climber.

I am not wishful believer in all things 'Mystical', which is now apparently the vogue with new age urban dwellers. I fully understand the principles of scientific and engineering reasoning.