Hello everyone,

I am getting disturbing news from a variety of sources that are stating we are going into a depression. There are also rumblings that this will be a global depression that we be worse than anything seen before.

I don't know if it will be that bad (everyone's predicting doomsday these days), but I do wonder what one should do in such a situation.

For myself, I'm still in school (my wife is just graduating as a lawyer this year). We have 62 grand in student debt.

If we are going into hyper inflation.... If our money becomes worthless (more or less) what will happen to the debt that people can't pay? If I and others can't pay it won't it further collapse the economy? What happens then? If money isn't worth working for why would people go to work?

What are people's thoughts on this? (he asks hoping the economy will hold off collapsing for 15 years so he can get into the safe positive-net-value region)
