Thanks gang,

I knew I could count on y'all for honest feedback.

I've got a series of excel spread sheets that I've tried to catagorize/prioritize what stuff needs to go where, but I think I've been trying to cover too many bases too haphazardly.

I like the idea of risk assessment to narrow down the focus and layering/staging of coverage.

On my shift today I was reminding someone of the nursing model we follow then it dawned on me; go with what you know.

My battle plan so far based on the feedback I've gotten from y'all:


1) Inventory what I already have.

2) Assess most likely hazards/events to deal with.

3) Assess what gear would give me the most bang for the buck (or space)to cover hazards?

4) Assess where would supplies need to be during said hazard?

5) Coordinate with my wife on how would this fit into our overall plan to simplify our lives? (she's the wisest person I know).

6) What do I need to cover most likely hazards?

7) Where are my loved ones and myself most vulnerable?

8) Where to store/stage goodies?

I like the idea of using my backpacking gear as part of the family BOB. It doesn't make sense to have duplicate gear in all places which is where I felt like I was heading.


1) Make a specific disaster plan. (I already have the basics of one with meeting places, etc), and incorporate it into the family control log my wife is building. I'm carrying too much of this stuff in my head.

2) Make Shopping / improvising list to cover what I don't have focusing on quality.

2) Schedule rotation schedule for expiring supplies (already have a semi-routine for hurricane season).


1) Pick only one area to work on first.

2) Add one element per paycheck to add.

3) Get out and go more places (my in-laws are the most prepared folks I know outside of this group. They lived in their RV for a while traveling around).


1) Ask my beloved and child for feedback. Is this something you would use? Are you feeling cluttered?

2) Reassess threats as needed.

3) Reassess inventory (did I use this during the year, is it taking up space that could be better used for something else?

4) Use the gear from time to time. (does it work as planned, does canned ravioli taste ok cold, etc ?)

Thank all of you again.

samhain autumnwood