Lasd02, I wasn't even poking fun at the authors of the information you offered, I was just wondering. The vet may be the most informed person on human heat loss on the face of the planet, which is fine with me. Everything that he says may well be true. It doesn't FEEL quite right, but that's just my opinion. He may have left out some important stuff that would have made me feel a bit better about it, and I think he could have explained it a bit differently/better. But that's also just my opinion.

Also my opinion: I know some vets that I would prefer to have do major surgery on me than many doctors. I worked for vets for thirteen years, so seeing the 'D.M.V.' threw me off, as I'm used to seeing DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) rather than 'Department of Motor Vehicles'. I went to my acronym finder site and typed in DMV, and there wasn't anything about a doctor's title (remember, this came from their own article). Anyway, I asked because in a human-related article, one might tend to think that they would list the human doctor first. It just seemed a bit strange to me, along with the typo on the DVM.

Now, keeping in mind that I just read ParamedicPete's last post and only understood part of it (small part, not large part), please recognize that I'm just tossing this out there, and don't even know if what I'm saying makes any sense to anyone else. Humor me on this, okay?

If a person's head is covered by 7-10% of their total skin surface, and the whole body is covered up except the head, and there's a cold wind blowing, does the 7-10% of the heat loss end when that 7-10% is gone, or is this one of those diminishing returns situations (I don't think that's the right phrase), where you lose the 7%, then you lose another 7%, and another and another, until your shivering can't compensate for the continued heat loss?

I'm sorry, but these are the kind of questions I ask EVERYONE. You're not my only victim... crazy The vet I worked for in CA years ago got used to them, but he would warn relief vets before he left on vacation blush. One guy looked at me funny after assimilating one of my questions, and said, "Have you ever noticed that you have... odd thought processes?"

I just recently discovered that I have ADD, after all these years! Maybe that has something to do with it... or not.

Anyway, this has been a GREAT topic that you started. I wish you wouldn't take everything so personally, though. This is a DISCUSSION board. We discuss things. Sometimes we have a severe case of 'topic creep' (a term new to me). But just because we air our views doesn't mean we're attacking you, or even attacking the info you offer. Just imagine all of us in a large room chattering away and voicing our opinions --- the decibel level would be incredible! That's all it is. Don't take it personally, because it just isn't personal.

You've got 95 posts showing here. I've got... OMG! 1198! (Hey, Mods! Where is the rolly-eyed guy?) Do you think this means I'm opinionated? Think? grin
