I never said that one shouldn't train. And I'm not talking about having an attitude and dueling. I'm talking about defending yourself when you have no other choice.

I disagree with the statement that one should not have a baton until some arbitrary level of proficiency is attained. Training takes time. It doesn't happen overnight. So, what is a person to do TONIGHT?

Having a baton is better than not having one. Having one and a few hours of instruction is better still. Practicing what you have been taught can be done in front of a mirror, as time permits. Getting more training is even better, but that doesn't help right NOW. Not everyone can drop everything and become a live in monk at the dojo.

The position being implied here is that until you have achieved some undefined proficiency, you should just surrender. I'm sorry, but I don't agree with that. "Gee Mr. Bad Guy, I'm not yet sufficiently trained, and well, you MIGHT be, so I'll just lay down and die now." Doesn't work for me. Might he get beat? Sure. I might get beat even after training. But if you don't try with everything you can, you will definitely be beat. Sometimes an agressive response, even if it isn't the best technique in existence, can be effective. It is definitely better than giving up.

Even for the trained, there is always one that's better. And anyone can have a bad day. My point is, take whatever you have, and defend yourself as best you can, and never give up. The only sure thing is that if you give up, you lose.