"However, beeswax contains various "natural" contaminants, such as bee pee, but also pollen which can trigger various allergic reactions in amazingly small doses. It also accumulates various pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers that the bees carry in with them on their bodies. Any and all of these can be bad when burned."

All that may be totally true. However, just googling around, I ran across this site http://www.tahoma-clinic.com/beeswax.shtml which is by a doctor (M.D.) who operates the Tahoma Clinic ('Pioneers in combining natural treatments with conventional medicine'). He sells '100% pure beeswax candles' that are made by nuns.

He says just the opposite of your statement (not that it's any more true --- I'm just stirring the pot here):

"But beeswax candles don't cause any of those problems. In fact, Mother Thecla told me people with allergies, sinus problems, and asthma have reported significant improvement in their symptoms, breathing better and sleeping better after burning the 100 percent beeswax candles in their bedrooms for three to four hours before bedtime. One person who burned a beeswax candle all day when she was home reported that her asthma gradually went away completely.

"After the nuns left, I did a bit of my own research to see if I could turn up any scientific evidence on bees-wax's effects. Although scientists still don't know all the intricacies of the complex molecules in beeswax, there's at least a partial explanation for the healthful action of burning beeswax candles. According to entomologist Bill Reno, burning beeswax produces negative ions.1 Negative ions are nature's air purifiers, cleaning the air of dust, mold, bacteria, viruses, and other pollutants.

"... to get any of these benefits, the candle has to be 100 percent beeswax. And, unfortunately, a candle only needs to contain 51 percent beeswax to be labeled as a beeswax candle. The rest can be paraffin (or anything else burnable), so it may not be as easy as picking one up the next time you're at the mall."

Now, would a doctor lie? (Probably) Would a nun lie? Well.....
they would be struck by a lightning bolt, wouldn't they? grin

I don't know which is true, or if they both are, or neither.

Sue... just kicking up dust