Ok, I was trying to let this one go but you called me out Stretch. I'm reading these last few posts and trying to keep it in but now I look like this:

I can't do it, I've got to let it out!

Blackeagle & AROTC: Susan did not present any information to discredit the education, training or expertise of the authors of the original source, she simply implied that the entire argument should be dismissed because it was written by a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (yeah, what do they know!), a PHD. who operates the Laboratory for Exercise and Environmental Medicine and Dr. Hubbell, the founder of SOLO (look it up), or as she puts it,
Originally Posted By: susan
A vet, a teacher and a doctor
She is trying to remove the focus from the argument and onto the authors and then not even providing any facts to discredit them! You want to question their credentials? Ok, let me see your proof that they sent away for their diplomas from the back of a matchbook.

RAS: Fine, I concede. In this very limited circumstance (hypothermia victim that is in that small window where they are shivering but not yet sweating), the research shows 55% heat loss from the head. But that is the ONLY exception to the 10% rule. Again, if you want to believe and teach that we lose 55% of our body heat from our head based on that limited circumstance, go right ahead.

Stretch: Wow, where to begin? First, you need to go back and re-read my citations.
"We recognize that even though there is abundant scientific information, there are still many old wives’ tales and misinformation that are being taught, passed on, and utilized in patient care. There appears to be some bad data in education which is causing rescuers to provide inappropriate patient care that can be deleterious to their patients.

The, "abundant scientific information" SUPPORTS the 10% figure.

Originally Posted By: Stretch
Why is there hair on our heads??

Someone from the original article already beat you to that question.

#3 What difference does hair on your head or facial hair make?

In order for hair or fur to provide a protective thermal barrier, it has to be much denser than what we humans grow and it has to be in layers of different types of fur to provide a thermal barrier. Beards are great, but they do not keep you any warmer. And bald is beautiful.

And finally, I'll answer your question and ask one of my own. I try not to ignore common sense and logical thought, but as you can see, common sense isn't all that common. With the same sincerity that you and others feel that I'm trying to defy logic, I feel that you are refusing to let go of BAD information simply because of, "but we've ALWAYS done it this way" reasoning.

Now my question, what is it going to take to convince you that the old figure (70%,50%,25%, you pick), is wrong and the 10% figure is correct? I don't have any personal stake in the outcome either way, no agenda here, just passing on new information that I hope will make a difference to somebody, someday. I have a feeling that you and many others just don't want to admit that maybe you're wrong (I'll admit it, I LOVE to be right), but I have a suspicion that no matter how many links I provide, or how established my "experts" are, many here will keep on spreading the bad information.