Sue, I grew up in the Vegas area during the 70's-80's. Though I have no desire to move back there, I certainly don't hate the place the way you do. Did you get mugged a lot or something?

My solution to the excercise would be to grab some supplies and head west to the Mt. Charleston area. It's an unlikely direction for other refugees to take, and staying up there for a week or two makes more sense, depending on the weather and on the type of "event". If it is an NBC event, the prevailing weather and winds blow toward the east, so being at higher altitude and west of town would be best. From there you can take back roads that can lead into the Sierras, south down to SoCal or Arizona, or north to Reno.

This solution wasn't on the multiple choice, so no points to me, but I still think it could be the best solution.