4. "If your feet are cold, put on a hat." Fact: We do not lose more heat from our heads than from any other portion of the body with the same surface area.

Let's keep some other important facts in mind. It's not just a matter of heat loss from the "head area." A key element in advancing hypothermia is the cardiac and pulmonary functions affected. It has been passed on to me that some key controlling organs (glands) for these functions are located in the head/neck area and must be attended to in treating hypothermia. Thus, I have always taught that in treating advancing hypothermia special attention must be paid to this area which means three things:

- cover head and neck (this is why a gaiter feels so good!)
- drink warm (not hot) liquids to warm the throat area.

I would also keep in mind that much of "conventional" wisdom, while not the "entirely sufficient" explanation has some value hidden in it, i.e. if it can't hurt, why not do it? So, check that it doesn't hurt - then do it, too. Like put on a hat!
See 'Ya Down the Trail,
Mike McGrath

"Be Prepared" "For what?" "Why, any old thing!" B-P