Originally Posted By: ponder
"On a recent post the practice of using Povidone iodine and/or Betadine on an open wound was discussed and eventually debunked by several knowledgable board members."

At the risk of being somewhat blunt - BS!

Povidone Iodine is one of the most widely used antiseptics in the world. "IF" it slowed cell growth x% so what! It kills ring worm, fungus, sprep and every other commonly known topical organism that causes infection.

Alcohol will kill all those things as well but that doesn't make it appropriate to put in a wound.
PI is mostly used to disinfect skin BEFORE surgery not in wounds.
Using diluted PI to irrigate a wound is mainly to sterilize the water not your wound.

Medicine is not static it evolves as the knowledge expands; many former practices are no longer considered appropriate.

The medical "practice" for cleaning and disinfecting wounds has evolved over the years while apparently your medical training has not.