On a recent post the practice of using Povidone iodine and/or Betadine on an open wound was discussed and eventually debunked by several knowledgable board members. This got me to thinking about many of the other "tried and true" survival techniques we have all heard of or used that are now know to be useless at best and often border on being downright dangerous.

So at the risk of offending some, but hopefully educating others, I offer a few of my own recently held (false), beliefs:

1. If lost in the desert, the mashed pulp of many cacti will provide life sustaining fluid. Fact: Cacti contain a highly acidic solution that will induce vomiting if drunk.

2. Moss only grows on the North side of trees. Fact: Moss will grow anywhere there are proper conditions.

3. Drinking hot tea or coffee will keep you warmer than drinking cold soda or juice. Fact: It's the calorie content, not the heat of the beverage that produces body heat.

Now to let go of the most dearly held misconception yet...bear with me folks, this is gonna hurt:

4. "If your feet are cold, put on a hat." Fact: We do not lose more heat from our heads than from any other portion of the body with the same surface area.

Okay, I had my Oprah moment and bared my soul, let me hear some of your true confessions.