Another thing we used to do when young, was walk up a stream, and the sucker fish would literally attack your toes. Also, minnows would swarm our feet & legs. all harmless, but easy catching.
I've read that herding fish into a pre-planned catch area works. I've never tried it, only read about it. Essentially what you do is set a sort of "fence" into a stream, into a V, with the point part of the V downstream, and the wide parts close to to banks. Then, start WAY upstream, and work your way down, slapping the water, & generally making a ruckus. The idea is that, by the time you get towards the bottom of the V, you'll have some fish. Oh, make the fence part sticking out of the water, so fish cxannot simply swim over the top.
Again, I have yet to see it in application; only read about it.
my adventures