A Hobo knife is a large pocket type knife with a minimum of a knife, fork, & spoon. when you swing out the fork and spoon, the "pocket knife" comes apart, down the middle and you have a pretty decent fork in one hand and a spoon in the other hand.
The new versions are made of stainless steel and mine has the aforementioned as well as a corkscrew and leather punch. I keep mine in my mess kit. It fits in both my US military and West German (Wehrmacht) messkits easily.
It is one piece of equipment that I truly enjoy having with me.
Keep your eyes open at gun & knife shows and you will eventually come across 1 of the originals made during the 20's, 30's, & 40's by Case.
I am not making an endorsement of Wally World but they can be found there (Chinese manufacture) for under $5, if I remember correctly.
The best luck is what you make yourself!